Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Danish 2D platformer "Limbo" was released last year for XBox Live Arcade and was very well received. It depicts a small boy waking up in limbo (a mythological place between heaven and hell) and tries to survive in this surreal and hostile environment. Now the 1-year exclusivity has been lifted and us PC gamers (also PS3 gamers) got a taste.
There was some discussion awhile back (spawned from ignorant rantings of film critic Roger Ebert) whether computer games can be art or not. Well, the artistic value of "Limbo" can not be ignored. At first you may think it's just an artsy-fartsy black-n-white Super Mario remake or whatever but it's not the case at all. "Limbo" has a soul and a very unique eerie atmosphere, yet it makes absolutely no compromises when it comes to it's execution: perfect sound design, masterful use of light and shadows, intriguing puzzles, good animations... The main problems are the game's short length and a very abrupt ending.
The talent and dedication behind this game should not be ignored and I'm very much looking forward to Playdead Studio's next projects.


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