Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Diablo 3 is going to have real money auction houses

It was recently confirmed that Diablo 3 - the upcoming action RPG by Blizzard - is going to include auction houses, where you can change in-game items for real money. As you might guess, there has been some riff-raff about it on the internet. People are worried that this will encourage "gold farming", reward real-life wealth instead of game skill and push players to crime among other things. Meh, I say. The real-money items market is going on for Diablo 2 anyways, why not make it legal and safe. Sure, some kids will have deluded ideas that playing the game will make them tons of money and use it as an excuse to abandon their social, education and/or work life. Sure, some Chinese guy is going to sell his kidneys and eyes for a new Monk staff. Crazy world, I know... But playing the game and achieving it's goals takes time and time costs money, so some people are willing to make the monetary sacrifice. It's quite natural.
I'm more worried by the lousy cutscenes and art that as been released recently by Blizzard (like the Demon Hunter trailer you can see above). Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games of all times (if not THE favorite) and I still play it every now and then. I know I will be playing Diablo 3 a lot when it comes out. It might be even this year, though it doesn't seem very likely. I'm a bit more worried about the game's constant need for internet connection. It's not an MMO youknow. Syncing online and offline play is quite possible these days as far as I know.
We will be talking more about this game...

Read more about it: Eurogamer Diablo III preview

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