Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Game of Thrones

So guess you've already heard about this show... I mean, it's even on Fox Life now. As a diehard fan of the books and after waiting eagerly for the series for years, I should be angry that the best fantasy around is turning into a cash-in pop icon. But I'm not. Bringing George R. R. Martin's epic soap opera to the TV-screens is no easy task - huge cast, various locations, costumes, weapons and armor, battle scenes... When reading the books, I often found myself thinking this would make an awesome series (as it would be impossible to fit into movies), yet I was sure nobody would undertake that effort. And only HBO could pull it off. I wouldn't call the final product spectacular but it's defeneatly more than competent, which is saying much.
There are a few things to nag on - some cast members are quite bland (Sansa, Catelyn, Jaime) and the production values fall a bit short in HD (bored extras in the background, fake beard of King Robert). The books were presented from the standpoint of a handful of characters and the series has added some awkward dialogues between supportive characters to further explain the background - these don't feel right.
But this is just a fanboy wail. If you haven't watched "Game of Thrones" yet, you should do so or wildlings will eat your toes.
The second season is in the works but who knows when it will air. Note that the series is actually called "The Song of Fire and Ice" and "Game of Thrones" is only the name of the first book. So do they call the second season "Clash of Kings"? I doubt it...


1 comment:

  1. siin on episoodi nimede kohta veits huvitavat juttu:

