"Archer" is an animated spy comedy bmade by FX Network. It stars Sterling Archer - an irrational sociopathic superagent, who works in a spy agency run by his mother.
The third season started airing recently and although I didn't like the show much at first, I'm really starting to enjoy it. The animation style is kind of rigid but the dialogue and voice acting bring the whole thing to life. Story is a little too sex-oriented for it's own good but I guess the creators though secret agent business to be too sexy to leave that aspect out. Being a fan of "Harvey Birdman: Attourney at Law", this is as close to this humor that you can get after Birdman got cancelled.
Yeah and the creator of the show (Adam Reed) was the voice behind Shark in "12 oz. mouse", which makes him a hero in my book.
http://youtu.be/WqH4Bpe7Mjk (can't embed it for some reason)
Monday, September 26, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Age of Empires Online
Given the popularity of free-to-play games, somebody eventually came to the idea of taking beloved games and making free versions of them. Behold Age of Empires Online, a beloved historical real-time strategy turned into an online game, which you can download and play for free.
Well, it's not bad. The good old Age of Empire play mechanics are all there and to make the whole "online" thing work, they turned it into some sort of blend of massively multiplayer role-playing games and real-time strategy. How it works is like this - every player has a persistent capital, which levels up and maintains your skills and equipment. There you receive quests and "sail off" to actually play the missions. The system works, but it gets dull and repetitive pretty quickly. The quests are short yet numerous and they always begin in pretty much the same way. Also, having your upgrade system in capital means that you use the same set of technologies and troops in every mission unless you repick them between quests.
There are more problems. While you could say that Age of Empires franchise started off as educational, AoE Online is simply a game with a historical setting. All the enjoyment of building up a civilization from the stone age and making it flourish is replaced by a family-friendly looking MMO, where you simply rush through piss-easy maps to level up. In the process you gather magic items which you equip or sell. Seriously...
And what's with the cartoonish visuals these days? Are they so much cheaper to make that every game has to use them? It worked in Team Fortress 2 because they were ironic but otherwise it just makes a game childish. I can't stand to play Settlers VII because of the similar style (also, the game keeps calling me a princess), although the gameplay itself is pretty interesting.
There are two more major faults with AoE Online. First, it uses Games for Windows Live, which should be a crime. For example, if you lose your internet connection for a second, the client throws you out of the game and you lose all your mission progress. Secondly, the game has an awful payment scheme. Usually, free-to-play games have some premium content which has cosmetic effect or helps you progress more quickly. In AoE Online, payments give you great advantages over non-paying players in competitive play, making it pretty much impossible to win matches if you don't cough up a buck. Also, the prices are outrageous - 100 $ for six months? Are you fucking kidding me?
So yeah, overall a decent game but brought down by some huge problems.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Game of Thrones
So guess you've already heard about this show... I mean, it's even on Fox Life now. As a diehard fan of the books and after waiting eagerly for the series for years, I should be angry that the best fantasy around is turning into a cash-in pop icon. But I'm not. Bringing George R. R. Martin's epic soap opera to the TV-screens is no easy task - huge cast, various locations, costumes, weapons and armor, battle scenes... When reading the books, I often found myself thinking this would make an awesome series (as it would be impossible to fit into movies), yet I was sure nobody would undertake that effort. And only HBO could pull it off. I wouldn't call the final product spectacular but it's defeneatly more than competent, which is saying much.
There are a few things to nag on - some cast members are quite bland (Sansa, Catelyn, Jaime) and the production values fall a bit short in HD (bored extras in the background, fake beard of King Robert). The books were presented from the standpoint of a handful of characters and the series has added some awkward dialogues between supportive characters to further explain the background - these don't feel right.
But this is just a fanboy wail. If you haven't watched "Game of Thrones" yet, you should do so or wildlings will eat your toes.
The second season is in the works but who knows when it will air. Note that the series is actually called "The Song of Fire and Ice" and "Game of Thrones" is only the name of the first book. So do they call the second season "Clash of Kings"? I doubt it...
There are a few things to nag on - some cast members are quite bland (Sansa, Catelyn, Jaime) and the production values fall a bit short in HD (bored extras in the background, fake beard of King Robert). The books were presented from the standpoint of a handful of characters and the series has added some awkward dialogues between supportive characters to further explain the background - these don't feel right.
But this is just a fanboy wail. If you haven't watched "Game of Thrones" yet, you should do so or wildlings will eat your toes.
The second season is in the works but who knows when it will air. Note that the series is actually called "The Song of Fire and Ice" and "Game of Thrones" is only the name of the first book. So do they call the second season "Clash of Kings"? I doubt it...
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Might and Magic Heroes 6 (demo)
It's not so common fashion these days to release a game demo before the actual game. Luckily, the new Heroes of Might and Magic game did just that. Releasing in October, the demo is already available. Not sure why they messed up the title though... they don't like the word "of"? Apparently, it will continue with the storyline of "Heroes of Might and Magic 5". Well, sort of, as it's a prequel.
As most PC gamers older than 20, I used to like HoMM 3 a lot. 4th game wasn't all that popular, so HoMM 5 tried to be just like the 3rd. I tried hard to like it but for me, it wasn't anything special, although the "town screens" were really cool. HoMM... sorry, MaMH 6 looks to be just more of the same, eventhough the developers are now hungarians (Black Hole Entertainment) instead of Russia-based Nival. The good old core game is there but the whole process is way more streamlined and full of little unchallenging annoying battles on every corner (same problem as in "King's Bounty"). I played Black Hole's first game "Armies of Exigo" way back in 2004 and while the graphics were really nice, the game itself was a lame "Warcraft 3" clone. Their next game, "Warhammer: Mark of Chaos" also didn't get that a very warm welcome, but both of these games had amazing opening cinematics.
Now let me reveal one of the greatest secrets of gaming industry - usually the cinematic trailers are not made by the same people who make the games. So if a trailer is really good, it doesn't say anything about the game itself. What's more - buying a good CGI trailer means less money for the game development, so the alarming trend is to dedicate funds to trailers (as it makes for good marketing) and develop crappy games. There are exceptions, of course, such as Blizzard.
As for Might and Magic Heroes 6, I think I'll try the final version but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
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